The way I read it is that the words Max or Maximum were only used between 1896 and 1904. It was originally nitro proofed then and later re-proofed between 1954 and 1984 as the marks are Imperial. Looking at the re-proof date code it looks like the letter V and B which would indicate re-proof in 1970. Well, that's how I read it. At $450 it looks like a good price with what I know of U.S. prices. Here in the U.K. it would fetch around £450 to £550 so a good buy either way. I doubt if Moore & Grey actually made it but rather more likely bought in a barrelled action from the Birmingham trade and finished it. Common practice here and even Purdey's did that at times. Striker hole pitting is more a result of use of early corrosive primers than black powder usage. Good find. Enjoy shooting it. Lagopus…..