Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: keith
Election meddling is election meddling...

Thats a very convenient outlook on an attack on our democracy by a foreign adversary that benefited your party and ideology. Who do you think your fooling idiot?...

Poor little nca225... still on his/her never ending mission to show how stupid and misinformed he/she is.

Actually idiot, Election Meddling by various nations has been going on for decades. The United States is one of the most active in the practice, as demonstrated by your anti-gun idol Barack Hussein Obama. The former Soviet Union was also very involved in election meddling, and it is no surprise that the Russians under former KGB operative Putin would continue the practice.

Numerous Examples of Election Meddling-- Long Before 2014--Proving nca225 is an idiot

And Barack Hussein Obama knew about this. Larry Clown's former co-workers in the CIA had informed Obama about it. Instead of trying to stop it, or properly briefing the Trump Campaign about it, the Democrats under Obama made the decision to try to frame Trump and his associates, and connect them to it.

They failed. Mueller found no collusion. No Russian influenced me or anyone else to swing the election. And Russian Troll Farms seeded Social Media with crap to benefit both Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Can you or any crying lying Democrat still suffering from sour grapes say that Russian campaign did any more to hurt Hillary than her being stupid enough to ignore her husband's advice to not attack the NRA and the 2nd Amendment during her campaign? Trump won because he ran a better campaign. He promised us things we really wanted, and he has done well delivering on those promises. He went where he could get the necessary votes, and there were no Russian Cheerleaders at his rallies or writing his speeches. Those of us who voted for Trump did so because we all have seen that anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats are slowly destroying our country.

Only a very stupid gun owner would ever support anti-gunners like Obama or Hillary. For proof, just look at you and rocky mtn bill.

Furthermore, I never even suggested that Putin was trying to influence our election prior to 2016 in order to help Obama. I suppose that is possible, since it was apparent that Obama was weak, inept, inexperienced, and held Socialist views. But I never said that, and challenge you once again to show us where I ever said that.

Of course, every time I ask you to prove one of your false and ridiculous assertions and accusations... you run away like a coward or quickly change the subject.

One other thing occurs to me... neither King nor the Preacher has ever once made an issue of you posting under an anonymous screen name nca225. Neither has SKB or Glady Kravitz or Professor BrentJD. Do you find that strange? Don't you think it's time to come the rest of the way out of your closet?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.