To be clear Billy, I go with what the Bible says about the perversion. It is an abomination. It is sick. It is unnatural for people to take themselves out of the gene pool and mate with their own sex. It is your Liberal Left who worked relentlessly to mainstream a perversion. No surprise there. I'm not out of step. I'm simply not into making wrong right and up down.

Now that it is cleared up for you, you can go back to bashing Trump and the NRA, and openly supporting the Liberal Left Democrats who infringe upon our Constitutional Gun Rights.

And oh, if there is a small trace of honesty and fairness in you, then I expect we will immediately see you ask Stevie the same question. Or didn't you notice his repeated attempts deflect by trying to transfer his apparent sexual orientation onto me and jOe?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.