Oh, OK, but if frAnk is jOe, why don't you call him jOe? Does that make you feel like a man? I think you are going to need a complete sex change and a railroad tank car of testosterone to become a man.

It is good to see gals getting into formerly male dominated business like gunsmithing. Must be another part of Trump making America Great. But spending all day here is no way for a lady to run a business, or to get your customer's guns back on a timely basis. What do you think they would say if they added up all the hours you spend here LYING, twisting, and being a coward... while they wait patiently to get their guns returned?

Or do you even care what they think?

Do you send Dave $12.00 for every gunsmithing or gun import job you get from your continual free advertising here?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.