Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Keith, My President didn't lie about the weather. Keep reading the National Enquirer. I think it's making you smarter.

Billy, your president... your anti-gun Liberal Left Democrat hero Barack Hussein Obama... spent eight years lying to us about the climate. He told us that the ocean level was rising and the sea would inundate coastal communities around the planet. He told us that that massive storms and hurricanes resulting from global warming would batter our shores like no time in history.

So tell us then Billy, if Obama seriously believed that, then why is he endangering himself and his family by buying a $15 million mansion on the coast at Martha's Vineyard?

And why does a guy who spent his entire life bashing the rich feel that he needs a $15 million mansion on the coast at Martha's Vineyard anyway? Wouldn't it provide better optics if he lived modestly and did volunteer work helping the millions who became homeless Welfare cases under his reign?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.