I appreciate the comments posted. I had a sister working across the street from the Trade Towers and it was days before we heard from her. My family was sweating blood worrying about her. She couldn't live in her apart. for months until the area and her apart. were cleaned.

Argo, I well remember the facts you posted except for what your wife experienced. Someone gave me a DVD showing the poor people jumping from the Towers rather than burn alive. I could only watch it once and it is an indelible memory. A friend of mine witnessed the plane fly into the Pentagon. I burn with rage thinking about those miserable cowards who did this.

L. Brown, we did not fight just nations in WWII. Japan and Germany were run by what can only be described as a religion. The Japanese resurrected Bushido and it became a religious ideology that permeated every level of Japanese society. I have known Germans who grew up under Hitler and believe me, Hitler was worshiped by most Germans. The ones still living still believe in him and his twisted cerebral flatulence. The Americans also de-nazified the Germans trying to expunge the vile religion of Nazism.

The first thing the Moslems do when they come to my area is provide a mosque and a madrassa and teach their children Arabic. This is not assimilation. When my wife's family immigrated from Europe, not one of them went to a school to learn their native language. They knew they were in a much better place and wanted to leave the old life in Europe. Her grandfather joined the National Guard to prove his love for his new country.

Wednesday on Fox, Dana Perino beautifully stated that the effort on flight 93 was the first return strike in the war against terrorism.