Originally Posted By: 2-piper
Get a copy of the Koran & study it. You'll find out who is following Mohammad's teaching. IF I did not agree with the basics of what by Religion was based on, I Would Get Out of it. If I did not believe that I should force all Jews & Christians to convert to Islam or Kill them (Which I don't) I would not be a Muslim (Which I am Not).

It's a crying shame that in our public school system we cannot quote the Bible or Say a Prayer in the name of Jesus, but our Children & Grandchildren are Taught Islam in the classrooms.

Miller, you clearly do not understand Islam. Nor, apparently, the history of the Christian church. When the Jews were fleeing the Inquisition in Spain--when the Christian church gave them the choice of conversion or death--a lot of them ended up in the Muslim world. Where they were neither forced to convert, nor were they killed. Until relatively recently, there were fairly large Jewish communities in places like Morocco. They were required to pay a special tax and live in their own areas. Other than that, they were basically left alone. That only changed with the Zionist movement, the establishment of the modern state of Israel . . . and, in particular, the wars between Israel and neighboring Arab countries. The result of which was the relocation of most of those Jews--whose families had lived in peace in Muslim nations for centuries--to Israel or elsewhere.