Well Miller . . . the Muslims who send their daughters to school would point out that neither the Koran nor the sayings of Mohammed include anything saying they shouldn't do that. So . . . to paraphrase what you said . . . those radical Islamists like the Taliban are claiming Islam, but it's not Islam.

And I somehow doubt that Islam is going to win many converts in our country. The only significant increase will come from immigrants. But we show our belief in freedom of religion by allowing those of any faith to proselytize in this country.

The founding fathers were intelligent enough to keep religion out of the public sphere (via the First Amendment) while protecting it in the private sphere. Maybe you can give me an example of verses from the Koran being posted in a government building while verses from the Bible are banned. Matter of fact, I worked in a government building, and walked right by a verse from the Bible every day: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32. Right in plain sight, in the lobby of the CIA Headquarters. Have you heard that they had to remove it???

Last edited by L. Brown; 09/13/19 11:09 AM.