No King, I'm not going to waste my time on a beautiful day digging through your many thousands of posts for this one. I didn't save it either, since it wasn't one of your many attempts to undermine our 2nd Amendment or denigration of our NRA.

But really, you know you confronted me about my former taglines, and said that one was an advertisement for the NRA. So why would you object to a link to the NRA Political Victory Fund????... other than objecting to their mission to preserve the 2nd Amendment??? You then complained that the small picture of Reagan toasting "Us Deplorables" was my use of this site to advertise for the Republican National Committee. So tell us what other possible reason you'd have for making your complaints other than using Dave's site for free advertising???
You didn't say (at that time) that Reagan did anything wrong. You complained about my use of Dave's site for advertising for the RNC.

By the way, you've accused me of plenty of other things... along with other Conservatives... greedy, selfish, racist, misogynist, etc. And who could forget that you spent days calling me a liar concerning your illegal transport of a handgun across the U.S.-Canadian border... until I produced a QUOTE from you admitting just that. And how did you man-up to that smear King? Did you show you have a spine and apologize? Why no, you concocted another lie and tried to tell us that the gun you transported across the border was a Savage Model 24 rifle/shotgun combo.

Meanwhile, your slimy pal SKB Stevie continues his blatant free advertising campaign here... knowing Dave Weber's feelings on the use of his site for personal profit, without due compensation. You stick your nose into every other perceived misuse of this site, but turn a blind eye to your Liberal partner's behavior. Here you go King... cry some more for us:

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.