Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Produce the evidence...

Brain fart. You used the singular. Isn't that proof of eligibility for the record books. Durn thing's been go'in non stop for quite a few years now, eh?

Yes craigd, a ten year brain fart is one for the record books... but what else would we expect from someone as full of shit as King.

Funny to see the old anti-gun troll demanding proof of things he knows damn well he said on numerous occasions. When I run across one of his statements where he referred to us as racists, greedy, misogynistic, etc., I'll certainly rub his lying nose in it.

But what good would it do, when you're dealing with a pathological prevaricator? Who can forget all those times he firmly stated that he had never seen any evidence of anti-gun rhetoric in all his years here. He still insisted that was true even when I posted a number of his anti-2nd Amendment statements. Even his weird little friend ed good's statement calling for disarming the American people wasn't good enough for the old troll. I'd blame it on dementia, but he's been that dishonest with us for as long as I've been here. I hear similar stories from a friend of mine who is a nurse at a State Mental Hospital.

As an aside... I still don't believe that King's illegal transport of a handgun across the U.S.-Canadian border in the 1980's would have merited merely a warning or slap on the wrist. But the main point was that he lied about what he had told us, and then called me a liar for mentioning it. That isn't how a gentleman... or even a man... acts.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.