Originally Posted By: King Brown
The US contribution was welcomed by the allies in both wars. American sacrifices were enormous, their valour admirable, your word intervene close to fact: "come in as something extraneous, occur in the meantime"---Oxford English Dictionary. Isolationist in policy, the US was torpedoed into the First and bombed into the Second, its bunds and seig heils clamouring as the British Commonwealth and allies fought fascism alone. The West also benefitted immensely from the Soviet Union's sacrifices, surpassingly higher than any other country, our Western Front a comparative sideshow to the Soviet sweep from Moscow to Berlin.

Until you consider the US fought the war on two fronts. Who else was going to do that? The Soviet Union lost more souls retreating than the US did advancing. If the war hadnt happened, Stalins goulish regime would have crumbled to dust perhaps three decades sooner than it did. It would have been good to see him hang.
England paid a high price. The cost of the war effected the economy of England perhaps to this day. That said, winning a war takes a lot, but, losing takes everything.
