I didn't put any words into your mouth King. Please show us just where I did that. You are using dishonesty as a debating tactic again.

And aren't you tired of that line about not voting for the Liberal Party candidate? I didn't say anything about the Canadian Liberal Party. You always support Liberal Left anti-gunners over pro-gun Conservatives, regardless of what they call themselves or what political party they represent.

If you really cared anything about future generations, you wouldn't be pressing for the mostly failed concept of Socialism. While it may work somewhat under ideal circumstances, the reality is that Socialism has failed miserably in most countries. There is a reason it is embraced by dictatorships. The Soviet Union, East Germany, Communist Romania, Hungary, etc., all failed. The number of people killed by those enforcing it are unsurpassed, and positively dwarf the casualties of our Civil War that you cannot forget. Venezuela is still swirling down the toilet, in spite of having vast oil reserves. China is fighting Democracy and freedom by violently suppressing its' people every time they try to attain freedom from it. Canada will follow when you acquire enough leeches that realize they can vote themselves a goodly share of other people's earnings and labors. Voluntarily giving up rights and freedoms will only accelerate the inevitable decline.

And only idiots or dishonest anti-gunners like you are saying that anti-gunners will stop seeking more gun control once they've succeeded in banning assault style rifles. I notice you don't wish to mention the coming Justin Trudeau handgun ban. Plain to see just who is trolling here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.