TS - The Lancaster brand name was, like nearly all brands, used on a variety of guns. Therefore, using the name only to judge a gun may/will lead you astray. Certainly the brand name has value within the market pricing structure, Lancaster having BV2 which is 3/4 the value of BV1 (Boss, H&H, Purdey, and Woodward). However, note that the actual Original Quality grade of the gun and the Current Condition of the gun each have a factor weight of 20X. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to determine the original quality grade and current condition level of any gun to approach a price estimate.

Boss is the only name that could be construed as implying "best" quality grade SLE. Lancaster certainly could make guns as good as anyone (best quality guns). The question is, "Is this a best grade Lancaster?" Brit made guns tend to be very honest in appearance equaling quality grade. Usually, 75-100% coverage of high quality engraving will be a key indicator of the gun being of best work. Factor in metal to metal fit, wood to metal fit, and wood quailty and they usually are what they appear to be. A factory tarted up lower grade gun is rare.