I've eaten venison, elk and muskox mincemeat pie and I liked it all. My folks used to make mincemeat out of elk and deer, one or the other, every year when I was a kid and when I lived in AK, I shot a muskox, sent them some meat and they made mincemeat out of some of it.

I think it would be worthwhile for you to add to the menu this year!

I sent them the musk ox meat in 1989 and they canned some of the musk ox mincemeat they'd made. About 5-6 years ago, I was talking to my folks who were in their late 80's at the time and my mom mentioned she had made a pie from the mincemeat to take to a church social. She said the pie was a hit and told the folks the mincemeat was made from musk ox...I asked if she told them how long ago it had been canned, "no I didn't tell them that, but it was still fine," was her response. I had to laugh about that one!

Cameron Hughes