By all rights, I should not be alive today. In my youth I ould break an egg from a Free-Range hen into a glass of Raw Milk & drink it. For many more years, I continued drinking raw milk & using raw eggs in making ice cream & such. I have eaten both homemade & store-bought hominy.

A lot of food today is cheaper as well as more convenient but when it comes to Flavor;
They Ain't playing in the same ballpark, much less the same game.

When we still raised &killed our own frying chickens when one te into a drumstick or thigh there was not a bloody spot on the bone. In the process of killing they were thoroughly bled out.

In my 81 years of existence on this old earth, I've been on both sides of the fence. The food in my earlier years simply tasted better.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra