Originally Posted By: keith
Crying Bob... It would be nice if you could also I include a Post-It-Note in the background the next time you post pictures of a gun from CSMC which doesn't belong to you. Then maybe you won't have another embarrassing moment such as when eightbore busted you and called you out.

A Post-It-Note might also come in handy to draw attention away from your recent attempt to suggest that a Browning stock was made from a stock blank with entirely different grain and figure, and is most likely a different species of walnut entirely. Not everyone is fooled by your deceptions. You may now resume your temper tantrum.

P.S.--- It should be "you're", not "your". Did you go to the same school that nca225 did?

I hope my images helped to answer your question.
I hate to see yet another thread ruined by lying vilhelm's toxic self.
Apologies for the hijacked thread.

Lying keith, do you never tire of being an ass?
How terrible it must be to be you.
Help me to see where I was "busted and called out?
You're psychotic pea brain seems to be working overtime.