Originally Posted By: bladeswitcher
Originally Posted By: Stan

Okay, but how would you suggest to a seller that he "reprogram" his understanding?

It's no different than when you're dealing with somebody who's wrong about anything else. You provide the correct information. That's all you can do. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink..

Originally Posted By: Stan
And, what is the problem with him insisting on a signed copy of the receiving FFL's license, when that receiving FFL has no problem with sending it, and it is not illegal for him to ask for it?

IF the receiving FFL is willing to send a copy of his license he's free to do so. When I was an FFL I gladly sent copies of my license. It wasn't a problem for me at all. But that's MY business and how I chose to conduct it.

On the other hand, if another merchant is not willing to provide a copy of his license to an unlicensed person, that's his call. He's on solid ground with that policy. There are legitimate reasons to keep license copies within the trade and only provide it to other licensed dealers. He's also got the ATF on his side. The governing agency that issues the license suggests he refer unlicensed people to the EZ Check system. You can't blame a guy for following his "master's" preferences.

So, what's our seller friend to do in this situation. If the receiving FFL is willing to provide a copy, great. Everybody's happy. But if the receiving FFL is NOT willing to provide a copy then our seller has three choices:
1.) Get over his insistence on getting a copy (that he's not entitled to), or . . .
2.) Find somebody else to do the transfer.
3.) Punt the whole deal.

Ultimately, the ball is in the receiving FFL's court. It's his business. It's his license. He has every right to conduct it how he sees fit, within the parameters of the law. If our seller doesn't like it, he can move along.

I've only used two FFLs for this purpose. Neither have ever had an issue with it. I can't imagine why one would. I was a FFL holder for a good many years, until Clinton raised the yearly cost to an exorbitant amount. I never had an issue with it, either. And, I've never had a seller to "move along".

Interesting commentary. Thanks.


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