Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
I've read all this so far and my impression is there's lots of misunderstanding. I say we fix everything by abolishing the 1968 Gun Control Act...Geo

Even if you abolished the GCA of 1968, which is a great idea, you would still have to contend with a myriad of local and state laws which are typically imposed in Liberal Democrat strongholds. Take a look at what is happening in Virginia right now, since Democrats recently gained control of the legislature:


The other problem is that many FFL's and many gun buyers are simply too lazy or too stupid to read and understand the laws. You have FFL's like Ed Good who refuse to transfer pre-1899 Antiques without an FFL transfer, and you have FFL's who will not accept a firearm from an individual, even with a copy of a drivers license. You have guys right here who need to have it explained multiple times, that the FFL E-Z Check system is merely a means to verify that someone is actually an active licensed firearms dealer... nothing more.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.