craigd, as I recall, when the ferrous contamination was initially identified, it was consistent with the type of oxide that is produced during slow rust barrel bluing.

My gosh! The plot thickens... where do you suppose that might have come from???

In addition, it didn't seem that our great copy-and-paste shotgun barrel expert and serial blasphemer, or his metallurgical experts, had even considered slow rust barrel bluing oxide as a possible source of the ferrous oxide contamination found in the compromised braze joint.

You may also recall the Preacher giving some totally incorrect definition of "burned steel" after receiving the METL report.

Originally Posted By: Drew Hause
Oxidized debris = burned steel

We have groupies here who are actually grateful to be fed this crap.

I had to remind or otherwise inform him that temperatures sufficient to burn the carbon out of steel would be so high as to vaporize the zinc component of the copper-zinc brazing material. See my post #547631 in the thread referenced here:

But the verbal and pictorial efforts to discredit me go on and on... even dragging Jesus Christ himself into the fray. You could never find entertainment like this pathetic circus over on the Upland Journal forum! Dave shouldn't invite donations... he should charge admission to the Libtard Freak Show!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.