Sorry, this has nothing to do with sleeving, but monobloc, a similar process has been brought up. So, imho the reason Beretta and Perazzi do mono is because its much easier to make and therefore a whole lot cheaper to produce, works fine, but not best work and therefore lacks snob appeal. Why dont Purdey, Boss, & Holland and Holland make monobloc BEST guns if its so much better? Browning Superposed have demibloc, and then Browning cheapened things up going to the easier to make and more economical (less expensive) Citori with monobloc construction. .....and Ted, Ive seen photos of Perazzi guns blown up at the breech too. Usually, its attributed to an obstruction, but who actually knows for sure? Bottom line, mono is easier for gunmakers to make and thats why its done, not because its better.

Last edited by buzz; 01/22/20 11:26 AM.

Socialism is almost the worst.