Pete M:
I have made many a turn N. at the Mead paper plant when I wanted to take the back roads to Gwinn or Marquette. I know exactly where your place was. There is a great IGA sign hanging on an old general store in one of those towns near Watson - in fact it may be Watson.

Do you ever venture up that way these days? I am headed up late in September to attend Marquette's Ruffed Grouse dinner, visit friends and see if I can locate any birds. I may head up there in a few days for the opener if the cool weather sticks. It was really dry up there this summer and the aspen leaves may go early.

Unfortunately, they don't do nearly as much cutting as they used to. I notice it some in the grouse population, but mainly the woodcock. Around your place and Dickinson County used to be one of the great spots in North America to hunt the little fellers. For the last 7 or 8 years I rarely shoot them because the population is so low. Personally, I think it is a loss of habitat.

Take care.......Chicago Mike