Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
PS: What happened to your racist photo? I wish it were here for all to see.You seem to have exceeded even Dave's tolerance for bigotry. Be careful, or he might ban you for good. Then what would you do for a life? Keep on truckin' up.

What are you talking about here Billy? Are you lying again? Are you saying that I posted a racist photo that was deleted by Dave?

If you saw something like that, you or one of my other stalkers like Stevie or old colonel Gladys Kravitz would have saved it and re-posted it. So where is it?

I was hoping you'd have some justification for your fat spineless gay little friend SDH-MT calling me on the phone in a drunken stupor, and screaming vulgar threats at me. Or perhaps explaining why it is sane and normal behavior for Stevie and his pals to dig for dirt and engage in a campaign of internet doxxing, use of the U.S. Postal System to engage in anonymous intimidation threats, and all of your repeated efforts to censor or banish me from posting here? But instead we get your Liberal whining and accusations of racism. So at least tell us why you continue to believe that black Supreme Court Justice is guilty of false allegations from nearly 3 decades ago? Why are you against a pro-2nd Amendment black Supreme Court Justice?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.