Last year I soptted a little brown bat roosting on my front porch when I came home from work. I thought it odd that it would be out in the open, I took a picture with my digital camera and saw him on several other occasions.
One night I got up for my 3 AM bathroom visit (an over 50 thing) and noticed some dirt specks on the bathroom floor directly under the combination exhaust fan/light. Didn't think much of it and went back to bed, about the time I'd returned to morphius land my wife let out a screech that about stopped the old ticker. "There's something flying around the room and it not a moth". When it flew into the bathroom she closed the door.
Armed with only a hinged shoe box I went in after it. In a few minutes I managed to captured the little bugger, passed the box thru the window and let it out.
I said "I hope I didn't hurt the little guy" to my wife... Wrong thing to say at 3:30 AM to a very upset woman!
Regarding snakes, I've always told my wife they are more afraid of her than she is of them... yea, right, add little brown bats to that list.

Last edited by CraigF; 09/12/07 08:59 PM.

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