I put the 'x' there to check the matting with the top lever and bolt V spring. This part of the head is angled back to make clearance for the leg on the spring. This reduces the amount of wood in the head to bear against the frame on recoil.

Here are two more photos. One on the worst top left split horn, and 2: a split in the butt which appears to be a crack along the grain rather than some inflicted damage. The original LAC butt plate shows no signs of impact or damage.

1: Split horn

Recommendation:? Use a CA type glue to secure this or use Brownell's AG?


Recommendation?: Inject thin CA into the cracks and then fill with wood filler or use dyed Brownell's AG thinned with denatured alcohol and inject into the crack. Also in past work I have drilled a small hole at the very end of the crack to stop any further expansion along the grain line. Always works well and is easy to hide.

OR? and I am open to any and all advice. Thanks