I looked into buying used guns, in France, and bringing them here to sell, circa 1997 or so. It wasnt doable. Run of the mill Charlin and Darne guns were 3K. Nobody was going to buy them for that, here. Run of the mill boxlocks, sans ejectors, were most of 1K. Those numbers were skewed a bit, I think, due to the fact it was really only pretty wealthy people who seemed to be able to hunt, regularly, in France.
I believe that has changed, as well. Looking at French gun seller websites, everything has come down in price. It seems it is often just family members trying to unload some now dead ancestors pride and joy.
My kid, will be shooting his trap league this year with an O/U. But, I think he is the only one. He is looking forward to using the gun because it was his grandfathers, not for any love of blued steel and walnut, that I can discern, but, time will tell.
Most of the kids have a black pump or auto. The club rental guns are the same thing.
Chris has been pestering me to shoot the gun since I gave him custody of the Beretta on New Years Day. We will try today. The weather has been awful, and he is excited to try.
