What a complete idiot you are Billy. There has been widespread mining, and oil and gas drilling for well over 100 years in this country. Widespread timber cutting started 3-400 years ago when the first settlers started cutting our virgin forests to export lumber back to Europe.

In spite of all this, there is still outdoor recreation and hunting. As craigd pointed out, much of the financial backing for conservation efforts has come from sportsmen, and those who backed things like Pittman-Robinson, etc.

So will you stop driving your truck and give up all things made of steel? It took a lot of iron and coal mining and energy extraction to build that and keep it all running. It was your demand that caused that... not Donald Trump. How about your guns Billy? It took mining, steel production, and wood cutting to produce the materials to build those too. Do you ever think at all before you post your nonsense?

Financial growth and meaningful employment opportunities for our grandchildren can indeed co-exist with outdoor recreation opportunities. When your anti-gun and anti-hunting Liberal Democrats manage to turn this nation into a Socialist shit-hole like Venezuela, only the ruling class will be able to afford hunting and outdoor recreation.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.