Craig, it interests me that you cite staff treatment as a reason to reject certain Democrats. What about Trump's treatment of Col Vindman? Or John McCain? Or his students at Trump University? Or his wives re Stormy Daniels? No one competent and qualified can work with him.He can't bear to be contradicted. Every single thing he and his fans accuse others of are the very things he himself is the worst possible example of, and yet you tolerate him. At best, it's total denial; at worst it's mental illness. Here's a prediction: between now and November, former senior staff will have a lot to say about Trump's ability to do his job, and they will not be complimentary. Bernie's not your cup of tea, but he is honest and consistent and transparent. He may be wrong on an issue, but his heart is in the right place. Trump is wrong on most every issue and his heart is MOA.

Last edited by rocky mtn bill; 02/24/20 02:40 PM.

Bill Ferguson