Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Craig, One way to test if a really outrageous story is true before you go to the trouble of Googling Fact Checker, is to see if it's about a Democrat. If it is, chances are it's propaganda from Brietbart or Russia....

Good point Bill, but don't forget to look on her foundation website. The 2018 'tax' return says the US arm of the foundation received some twenty-two million in donations. But, the same website under the global initiative says the Canadian partnership has some vague value over three hundred million. What Bill, a sunshine mishap or she's just feeding hungry Canadian kids?

Shocking, eh, the drop off in donations, but things were financially rewarding during the sec-o-state and candidate stretch, huh Bill? Help me out, do you have a link to the rusian propaganda?

Last edited by craigd; 02/26/20 01:14 AM.