Originally Posted By: Konor3inch
Sorry Keith Im out

I was quite sure you were not "out" Konor3inch. DmColonial's description of "outed" is much more accurate though.

I did indeed note craigd's concern about the so-called gray market for semi-autos in New Zealand. And I am quite certain that he wasn't lamenting the idea that they were not rounded up by a tyrannical government due to some mandatory licensing or registration scheme. I know enough about craigd to know that he confronts every anti-gun troll that ever makes the mistake of supporting registration or other infringements upon our 2nd Amendment Rights. Please don't confuse craigd with a complete idiot like rocky mtn bill.

We know that you don't like handguns or semi-autos, and that you are all too ready to act like a spineless sheep and give up the rights and property of others in order to preserve what you personally approve of. You still refuse to explain how you can sleep at night knowing that the guns you approve of were the same as the guns that murdered people in another mass killing spree 14 years after Dunblane. You mentioned lighting a cigarette with the same matches that could be used to start an arson fire earlier. Plenty of people think that your tobacco products should be banned by governments for the good of society. I personally think you should be able to make your own choice in such matters, so long as you don't impose on others.

I saw your comment about giving handguns and semi-autos to "every Tom, Dick, and Mohammed..." No doubt rocky mtn bill and Larry Clown will be along shortly to confront you on your racist profiling Muslim bashing efforts. Actually, I'm sure that you noticed that my attacks on certain members of this forum are rooted in their support for the same anti-gun infringements that you have finally revealed to us. Your posts here only serve to confirm what I have been saying all along about the sheer foolishness of inviting and welcoming guys like you into a Big Tent, while you are all religiously supporting those who work relentlessly to erode and eventually end our gun ownership rights.
Tthe 9-11 terrorists were able to legally get flying lessons and pilot's licenses. If you can afford it, there is no restriction saying that a private citizen cannot buy a 747 or other large jet. Donald Trump owns one, and John Travolta owns one and also pilots one. There are private citizens who legally own and fly old military fighter jets. There was and still is the concern that terrorists could use smaller planes such as crop dusters to spread chemical or bio-weapons. But they have not been banned. Perhaps it is different under your tyrannical government. As for registration, well, so are cars, trucks, and busses. None of those vehicles is Constitutionally protected, and none is absolutely necessary. My Amish Dutch neighbors do fine without them.

By the way dimwit, I do not believe that everyone is out to get my guns. I am only concerned about the ones who actually come right out and tell us that they want more laws, more registration, more Unconstitutional infringements, more anti-gun Judges and Supreme Court Justices, and even bans and confiscations. Unfortunately, that encompasses most all Liberal Left Democrats.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.