You know Billy, back when your anti-gun president Barack Hussein Obama was threatening to impose very restrictive firearm and magazine bans, the prices of ammunition and AR-15'S and high capacity magazines skyrocketed. Everything got more expensive because of what your anti-gun Democrats were trying to do to take gun rights from law abiding citizens. I've told you about all manner of mass homicides that did not involve semi-automatics or handguns, but you are fixated on giving up our gun rights to appease those who really hate all guns.

Some dealers even said that Obama was the best gun salesman in history. Anyway, I recall going to gun shows back in 2013 when demand for ammo and guns was highest. I would pass down the aisles and see the big crowds of guys standing in line to pay nearly $1000.00 for a thousand rounds of .223 ammo or $100.00 for a brick of .22 shells.

As my buddy and I would pass by these panic buyers, I frequently loudly said, "I wonder how many assh0le Democrats are here that caused these high prices?" I got some dirty looks, so I could easily pick out the ones that were as dumb as you.

These are just some simple pleasures that make life worth living. Thanks for the memories.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.