If the absence of a few apostrophes made it incoherent to you thats a measure of your feeble mind .
Im not interested in any support Fester I have my own opinion and you know what that is.
Speaking of brainless did you make any sense of CraigDs post ? At all ?
Like most idiots you are fixated on others intelligence ,the need to dominate is high in you but the potential to achieve that is very low I didnt post any blue grass music links Fester your mind is playing tricks on you.

What sort of drugs are you not on that you should be Fester. Something to calm that itchy trigger finger would be a good idea.Have you checked your closet maybe your carer has taken away all your firearms for everyones safety and left you with nothing to save America with. Ive got a cap gun here I can send you over as a safe comforter if you want.