Liberal anti-gun Trolls like King Brown will go to their graves in denial of the clear language of the 2nd Amendment.

King mentions in his post above that the Supreme Court of Canada recognizes that the U.S. has a Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, while Canadians do not. He respects the decision of the Canadian Supreme Court... except for the part he doesn't like. There is no more dishonest person to ever disgrace this forum than King:

Originally Posted By: King Brown

"Canadians, unlike Americans, do not have a constitutional right to bear arms," the high court stated in 1993, in a decision over the possession of convertible semi-automatic weapons.

Anti-gunners like King Brown are unable to see Gun Rights in the 2nd Amendment, and refuse to accept the 2008 and 2010 Heller and McDonald Supreme Court decisions. All of those lower Court rulings King clings to were made moot points by the two Supreme Court decisions. King knows this and refuses to accept this. Yet the old anti-gunner can clearly see a Constitutional right to aborting and killing unborn babies, when the word abortion is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.

Sick Liberal bastards who support killing innocent unborn babies, yet oppose the Death Penalty for violent murderers, deserve a special place in Hell.

Coward3inch is Scottish, and so is King. We aren't getting a very good representation of Scottish intelligence here. Will a Scotsman with a brain please speak up?

Is King Brown an Anti-Gunner?

Several idiots here kept asking me why I repeatedly hammered King on his anti-2nd Amendment Trolling views. They said he is a harmless old man, and nobody really takes his bullshit seriously. So as King edges toward his permanent Anti-Gun legacy here, he is being replaced by rocky mtn bill, Coward3inch, and other FUDD's and supporters of anti-gun Democrats.

Stepping on one cockroach won't help when you have an infestation. Killing one cancer cell won't stop the spread of the disease. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.