Originally Posted By: Konor3inch

If you are to be believed Do you have a rational reason as to why I would lie ?

That's an easy question Coward3inch...

.... because you have already been caught lying and changing your story, and because anti-gunners like you have a long history of lying to advance their agenda.

You know... like calling a semi-automatic AR-15 a military assault gun when no military on earth ever utilized a semi-auto version of an AR-15.

Another example would be King Brown claiming that the words of our 2nd Amendment are difficult to comprehend, or as he said last night, "short on details."

If it looks like an anti-gunner, and acts like an anti-gunner, and sounds like an anti-gunner, you can rest assured it really is an anti-gunner. And hiding behind a pile of gun books and magazines isn't going to fool anyone except idiots like rocky mtn bill. Yes, that rocky mtn bill... The guy who is proud to support and vote for Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunners.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.