Lloyd, we are still in the very early innings of the pandemic here in flyover country. There is only one confirmed case of Covid19 in Venango county, but I expect that will change dramatically over the next several weeks.

Much of the State is shut down, but I'm sill working. I'm just doing what I can to keep it at bay, and taking numerous vitamins, Echinacea, Turkey tail tincture, etc. to boost my immune system. Pretty much resigned to getting it, and hoping for a mild case. I even checked how much oxygen I have in my oxy-acetylene burning and welding outfits. A lady my daughter worked with died from Covid19 two days ago. She was in her mid-50s and no underlying medical conditions. She was in the hospital and improving, but then she crashed, probably from sepsis.

I'm thinking we should send all of our Libtards to China as retaliation for them giving this crap to the world. But that would probably be a violation of the Geneva Convention.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.