G3. Charlie Wilson was a character and I knew the people dealing with him. He was pro Zia (And I was there when Zia overthrew Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto). Zia was an anti-communist and he and Charlie had an incredible relationship - the film is really good.

But after Zia's death, I don't think Charlie would have understood the Pakistan national goals. There were and are currents in Pakistan politics not mentioned by Charlie.

-- 1) The Pakistan original obsession was to "raise the green flag of Islam over the Red Fort in Delhi". Pakistan - the land of the pure - was created as an Islamic counter-foil to India to protect an Islamic dominance which had lasted for 800 years. The original 1947 "we're going to retake Delhi" is now just populist harang which concentrates on Kashmir. And the the liberal ideal of Mohammad Ali Jinnah for a Pakistan state has degenerated Into an Islamic theocracy which daily becomes more sinister. (When I was there 1970's, the Pakistan military could run without gas but not without Johnny Walker Red - the girls were a reason for the dramatic population increase - no more - sadly).

-- 2) The Kashmir problem - This has been the wedge which the Pak military, always the dominant force in Pakistan, has used to justify whatever they wanted....and be damned water, schools, roads, infrastructure, trade, whatever. (And I really really enjoy the company of Pakistan soldiers and officers).

I know the problem we have with "nation building.": It worked in Japan, Korea, Germany. But in Afghanistan, I think Charlie Wilson was righ in 1993. Look at those last scenes where he's trying to get some money for a burnt-out country, whose entire elite was executed or exiled...and there was no interest in America - the Cold War was over and regional politics took over.

I often used this Line in talking with Pashtuns after 9/11, i.e.:
1). "- Why are you here?"
2) "- First, Badal....revenge. We're going to kill those people who attacked us.
. . "- And, We walked away in 1993 and left you with a mess. This is to make amends. And Thanks for ousting the Russians."


I also think that the way we handled aid to the Afghan government after 2002 was utterly disgraceful and just fostered corruption.

Last edited by Argo44; 03/30/20 10:12 AM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch