Miller, you're brave to share that news and, along with your other brothers here, I appreciate it. Rest assured you will be in my prayers every morning. I have admired you from afar, for a long time, and appreciate you sharing your knowledge and wit.

We may get canned for this thread. It seems like many threads that shift towards evangelical tones get deleted. Don't know for sure. But, I think you and I share common beliefs. One of those is that when we "cross over" it is going to be the most glorious experience we have ever imagined. The Creator has given us a life to enjoy here, and serve Him, and I'm going to hang onto it as long as I can, and when I leave this life I intend to do it kicking and scratching. But, the assurance we have of life after mortal life is the most precious thing I can have. And that is what makes the difference between dying in Christ and dying in the flesh. My mantra is this ............ if I can trust Him in life, I can trust Him in death. I hope and pray yours is a long time coming.

Hang in there my brother. I will be "standing in the gap".


May God bless America and those who defend her.