Ho/Jo Thanks for the Info. Whilst a 'Teen'in Bombed-Out LONDON.Myself and a school-chum built a 'Heath Robinson" sort of contraption from a broken bicycle, partially destroyed Singer treadle sewing machine, 2 leather belts,a Blacksmiths hand-cranked Drill-press, and a "Big Leg-Vise' My first successful'(NOTE Successful) machine'Very Roughed-out stock" was for my then most prized possession, my Harrington & Richardson 12b S/Bbl.I was 16 at the time, when I took it into Purdeys to show My Gaffer Bill O'Brien that I had tried to copy Isaac Dodds Machinery for Cutting out and Shaping Gun Stocks, Patent, A.D.1835. No.6755,..after the 'Slap to the back of my head, told to take that piece of massed produced 'Rubbish" down to the 'Coal-Hole',then into Harry Lawrence's Office to say how dreadfully sorry I was for deviating from the 'Straight & Narrow' Path of becoming a Purdey Stocker'You have been Blessed with a Pair of Hands and a Pair of Eyes and a 'set of Hand Tools' and as an Indentured Apprentice to Me(Harry Lawrence,MBE) and the "House of Purdey" and the"Worshipful Company of Gunmakers".City of London.You will continue to stock GUNS & DB.Rifles useing the Traditional, aforementioned pieces of Equipment...."OR we will place your Fathers Testicals in the Traditional Leg-Vice, and Shut It to Zero"!!Well...he did'nt say it quite that way.!So thats why I get paid to Stock & Re-Stock Useing the same Hand-tools that have been passed on down through "The Trade" Some as far back as James Purdey (The Stocker)Thomas Boss, when he was Stocking for Purdey,Conealius Dean. his son Phillip Dean, William'WOBBLES'O'Brien....I have watched Many,of the Artist's of the "Whirling End-Mill 'at their Duplicators,Both sides of the Atlantic,I know of 4 US. Built Machines 'Whirling',some hidden out of sight! I have had Mr Darcey Echolls Rough-out Winchester Rifles, Heads of Perazzi O/U,Draw-bolt pat stocks,ie Beretta O/U.But to have a "Best" Side-Lock or a "A&D" Machine Inletted!!!!!Show me a Whirling-Spinning Cutter that can cut the Squared Sear-Holes on a Boss 20b...My Clients like to stand and watch the hand-cut chips fall where they may..It just depends on "What Flavor" of Stocking you like the taste of...cc