Originally Posted By: Dilly541
I have a question regarding German guns from this period. Apart from varying degrees of engraving and some slight differences in receiver shape or cocking indicators, the boxlock guns appear to originate from the same basic design. Did gun makers like Sauer, Merkel, Kerner, etc all source them from the same factory and finish them to their own specifics, or did they just all use the exact same design? Correct me if I am wrong, but Simsons appear to be slightly different. My T+S Nimrod is clearly a completely different action.

One of the things that interested me about your Nimrod was that it was an entirely different action. I had for many years a Heym 16 that I sold last year to VictoryXC. It came from a similar time period. A cursory look suggests a great deal of similarity with the Kerner Gunsaholic is showing here (but for the bolsters). The Kerner appears to be finished to a higher degree and some details are different but I would not be surprised if the rough forgings each maker began with were the same.

Brian, if my experience with the Heym is anything to go on, you got a great gun. Patrick stole it from me but I suspect, knowing you, you got an even better deal! laugh How long are the barrels?

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia