King, not to engage in a tit for tat because that's not interesting. But your characterization of the USA in WWII as quasi-fascist is not right and is also irrelevant and a sort of "look over here" subject-changer. The US was isolationist, not fascist. The fascists were here as they were everywhere - it was a world-wide socialist movement - but almost negligible in Ameria. However, the fellow-traveller Stalinists were there too...much more wide-spread...and unlike the fascists, they're still infecting Western thought.

What I am interested in is how to protect the rights of a minority as Madison contemplated. It appears from this distance that the central government in Ottawa, based on an urban majority, has decided that people living in the Hudson Bay region have to knuckle under to the central government regulations which have nothing to do with the environment they live in. Did they want this? Did they vote for this? Were their views even represented or considered?

What is going to happen in this divide between the urban politically-correct "we-will-tell-you-what-you-can-and-can't-do-you-plebean-swine" crowd and the rural "we-have-to-live" is going to be a sharp division. It's happening in America where urban Oregon in 4 counties dominates and controls the rules for the entire state. We just had a governor in Virginia lock down the entire state when a dozen counties never had one case of the virus (and over 90 counties signed a revolt agains the Virginia legislature gun control initiatives and several counties began a petition to join the state of West Virginia).

So the argument again devolves to Madison's initial brilliant insight - how do you protect the citizen from a predatory majority? Fortunately He authored the Constitution. Canada missed out. If that's your choice - a PM like Trudeau can come into your kitchen and tell you what to cook...fine...because it looks like some really nice 140 year old SxS black-powder rifles will be coming south soon for cut-rate prices.

Last edited by Argo44; 05/08/20 09:59 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch