The bumper crop of pure horse shit in King's last post reminds me of how an ancient old Apple tree will sometimes produce one last large crop at the end of it's life.

Look at his moronic and dishonest statement comparing the 14th and 15th Amendments to the 2nd Amendment concerning "clarity".

This is a common ploy used by anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats, who say that the original intent of the Framers was unclear when they wrote the perfectly clear and simple words that protect and guarantee that THE RIGHT of the PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. They also explicitly defined the Militia, and the intent was equally clear that this right to bear arms for self and common defense had nothing to do with what firearms may be deemed appropriate to hunt deer or ducks.

King pretends that the 2nd Amendment permits or allows lower courts to infringe upon our gun rights, and to subvert the freedom of law abiding citizens. Nothing could be further from the truth, and King obviously continues his denial of two landmark U. S. Supreme Court decisions that overturned many of those unconstitutional infringements.

The Heller decision was made by a 5 to 4 margin in 2008. The McDonald decision was made by a 5 to 4 margin in 2010. Both cases are settled law, and in both cases, the 4 justices who voted to deny our Individual 2nd Amendment Rights were nominated by Liberal Left Democrats. It matters a great deal who gets a seat on the Supreme Court. A vote for a Democrat Presidential candidate is a vote to erode or eliminate our gun rights.

Most importantly, King intentionally neglects to tell us that virtually all of those lower court infringements, and nearly all of the unconstitutional anti-gun legislation has come directly from the Liberal Left Democrats and anti-2nd Amendment politicians that he and rocky mtn bill support.

King also acts as if there is little or no opposition to the recent Canadian anti-gun laws. But a quick Google search is all it takes to show that is simply another of King's many lies. This is a fraud and Troll who lies as easily and often as most men breathe.

It is high time that legitimate gun owners and shooters understand that not everyone who owns a gun, or speaks enough bullshit, is our friend. Guys like King and rocky mtn bill are the enemy who help to ensure that your children and grandchildren will not have a 2nd Amendment Right. And it's a real shame that there are not more guys here with the guts to stand up and put them in their place.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.