Ted, in truth my point was only that there are nuances to each of our nationss political culture that may be hard for outsiders to see. While at the same time, sometimes outsiders see what we are blind to.

King, Canada today would be unrecognizable to my uncle, never mind my great grandfather, Sir Rodmond. Trudeau pere and fils have irreparably divided the nation. The west is now slowly realizing they have always been a colony, the Laurentians just wont admit it. You wont likely see it but there is no going back. The place is too big, too diverse and too undemocratic to survive. The ruling cartel have made it plain their distaste for the West. Trudeau is too stupid to hide it effectively. Ill happily work to see the end of Canada as we know it. I consider it a failed nation.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia