Well I am Home a Day Early. Got My Elk!!
As Far as the Bat Issue here in MI, & to put the thing to bed. The Local Police chief& Local D.N.R. Are Coming out to shoot those poor RABID Bats with me.
Yes I Sent the head of One In That I Shot, It was RABID!!! acording to the LAB most likely there will be 1/2 to MOST of the Bats That Are Coming from the Same sleep Site will be Rabid!
in Conclusion: It IS Legal here in Michigan to shoot Bats. I am doing NOTHING wrong. The Local Police & D.N.R. are coming out to help with the Bat Problem!!!!
I didn't mean to come of as braging persay,it was more Luck than skill. To those of you that Ran your mouth's With Out doing the Research to find out its LEGAL to shoot bats In This State! You should probabley Keep Quite till You know what you are talking about.
In Michigan we get alot of the same responces from the D.N.R. the local D.N.R. officer had to call Lansing, The first Call he got back said its not legal, 10 minutes later they called back & Said hold it , were wrong, its legal. he called back a couple days later & said its Legal & shoot as many as you can!
Now the D.N.R. is coming out to shoot also. Good P.R. if nothing else.
I know MOST of you felt it isn't or wasn't legal. It IS legal. This post was'nt put up to start some thing like this has turned into. Bats Are EXTREMELY hard to hit. Getting as lucky as I was that night is rare. I have had nights were I have shot 1/2 a box of shells & not hit any.
As far as shooting clay birds if I had the $$ to blow $25- $50 to go shoot a round I would, I just don't have the $$ to do that.wal-mart sells low brass ammo for about $4.00 a box.

Jeff Hren