Originally Posted By: King Brown
My experience is opposite. It bears out studies that show the length of negotiations are related directly by how well the negotiators know each other. So losing and winning, each getting what they want through concessions, may depend more on trust than any opening bid.

I've been involved in negotiations with international corporations who've given their negotiators instructions that negotiators knew couldn't work, which led to rancorous and time-wasting conversations. We imposed recesses and suggested better strategies for company negotiators to take back to their bosses.

Results always most satisfactory. Our association, world-acclaimed for its social dynamics and innovation, has had a harmonious and productive relationship with the forest industry since its beginning nearly 40 years ago. No strikes, just educating industry in the pursuit of mutual worthwhile goals.

A simple no would have sufficed.

(was hoping you had a minty Laverda Jota hidden in the barn)

Talk about an OG. (Im going to scream if I hear that tree story again)