All Alaskan Ferry's are shut down.

He's doing studies on Isolation. Has a cabin in Hope which will be his base as he kayaks, motors, hikes, 4-wheels to remote cabins and farmsteads to interview inhabitants. He commented that Alaskans are pretty suspicious of outsiders but he's been all over the world and hiked the length of the Cascades. Won a national Kayak championship. He'll be ok with them. Really good as a people person.

By the way, a few years ago, I was on a plane to Seattle for his marriage and sat next to a huge old guy with a poodle. Thought he was a - you know what - till I saw the Master Blaster wings on his forearm. The subsequent story - daughter in Alaska who owns a couple of lodges on the Iditarod trail - is pretty amazing and can be read here - 504th Parachute Infantry - jumped into Sicily at the age of 15...Inchon and Frozen Chosen in Korea...White-Star in Laos...CSM of 5th Special Forces Group in Vietnam...

Last edited by Argo44; 06/15/20 11:23 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch