Small wonder that the Organ Grinder's monkey, rocky mtn bill, cannot understand anything craigd posts. The ignorant old fool still hasn't understood that I do not own any AR-15 rifles or rifles built on that platform.

Nevertheless, no anti-gun Liberal Left Democrat, including Altzheimer Joe Biden, has any right to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens in any manner. And we know it is simply a lie to try to say that anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats only want to take away AR-15 type rifles. This is what rocky mtn bill, pmag, and other Libtards support and defend, while continually bashing our pro-gun President Donald Trump.

This lying simpleton rocky mtn bill has been clinging to baseless accusations and innuendo since even before Trump took office, and fixed many of the problems that had our country becoming weaker both economically and militarily under previous administrations, especially the Democrats.

First it was Russian Collusion and Trump misdeeds as a Real Estate Investor that was supposed to bring him down. Then it was the Mueller Investigation based upon fraudulent FISA warrants and vindictive abuse of power by people in our FBI and Diplomatic Corp who could not accept the results of the 2016 election. Then our village idiot rocky mtn bill was ecstatic in his hopes for Impeachment based upon lies and nonsense. Now this Libtard is hitching his hopes on Bolton... while still supporting a senile fool who has promised to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment.

But Billy is OK with that, and he is also OK with the Black Lives Matter lawlessness, and chooses to ignore the facts of Constitutional due process and presumption of innocence, in favor of mob rule and violent protest and rioting that targets innocent businesses and taxpayers.

Libtard liars like Billy were carrying on about Trump mishandling the Covid19 crisis, and saying he didn't do enough to slow the spread of the pandemic, yet they say nothing about three very crowded services for the criminal martyr George Floyd, and crowds of protesters, and rioters. The dishonesty and hypocrisy of liberals is astounding.

craigd, you simply have to start giving it straight to Billy, because this Organ Grinder's monkey rocky mtn bill is far too stupid for subtlety. He then relies upon deflection to steer the conversation away from his blind allegiance to anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.