Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Calling George Floyd a criminal allows Keith to accept and excuse his murder. Calling old colonel Gladys Kravitz lets him dismiss anything oc says. This is Trump's method too. Facts, reason, authority, expertise all count for nothing against impulse, prejudice, and unsupported opinion. This is what we've sunk to, here, and all over the country: a third of the population is infected with alternative facts. Whole industries exist today just to brainwash Keith's third that all the rest of us are no damned good. Sadly, it works. Tribalism is powerful,alas.

Let's suppose what you say is true Bill. What you fail to acknowledge, time and again, is that for every "tribal member" on the right, whose beliefs you oppose and whose methods you decry, there is at least an equal number who use the same strategies and tactics whose viewpoints you support.

While you may have "lost your remote" our news media have been filled for the last two weeks with images and reports of the worst kind of public violence, divorced from the events that galvanized the original protests, all perpetrated by those who support the same policies and politicians you do. Yet the mass protests organized recently by those you oppose...think gun rights in Virginia.....were largely peaceful.

Until you acknowledge the truth of the situation, the reality, you can't win support. There actually is middle ground for discussion but it has to be based on truth. An example - A rational discussion about gun laws and the Second starts acknowledging that many of the vocal anti gun advocates, both lobby groups and politicians, ultimately want NO guns in private hands. This lack of honesty is apparent on just about any subject that is focus of dissent and argument between the two sides.

You take Keith to task for accurately describing an aspect of George Floyd that is less than flattering. You do the same to Trump in your effort to discredit him, no matter what he may be doing. Two peas in a pod.

Last edited by canvasback; 06/18/20 08:25 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia