rocky mtn bill now says I accept and excuse the killing of George Floyd by pointing out the truth about his extensive criminal record. But this idiotic Democrat sock-puppet ignores the fact that I have already pointed out that the Liberal Left and the rioters are subverting the Constitutional rule of law, and the presumption of innocence. The cop has been charged in the killing, but violent lynch mobs are burning and stealing because they have a lame excuse to once again ignore the legal process. However, the victims of these lynch mobs are the innocent taxpayers and owners of businesses who have not hurt anyone. Billy makes up shit about Trump breaking laws and telling lies, but here we see Billy ignoring actual law breaking live on TV, and also telling us the lie that anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats like Alzheimer Joe Biden are only after AR-15 rifles.

Billy acts offended by my pet name for the worm Gladys Kravitz, yet right here in this thread, we see Billy the Organ Grinder's monkey doing his own name calling. This turd is too stupid to see his own dishonest hypocrisy.

We know that the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens, including the cop charged with murder, means nothing to Billy. And relentlsss Democrat attacks on our Gun Rights means nothing to Billy either. Violent confrontations with the police happen to all races, but such incidents are much more likely to happen to those with an extensive criminal past. Defunding the police forces of this country will only result in increased crime. And when that happens, Libtard idiots like Billy, who are too dumb to connect the dots, will blame Trump.... because you can't fix stupid, and because Liberalism is a mental illness.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.