Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Calling George Floyd a criminal allows ..... to accept and excuse his murder....

....This is Trump's method too. Facts, reason, authority, expertise all count for nothing against impulse, prejudice, and unsupported opinion. This is what we've sunk to, here, and all over the country: a third of the population is infected with alternative facts. Whole industries exist today just to brainwash Keith's third that all the rest of us are no damned good. Sadly, it works. Tribalism is powerful,alas.

Calling Floyd a criminal, or just having the aptitude to read a 'rap' sheet created by a dem regime?

How about that Rayshad Brooks case, eh Bill. The da sez he was calm and respectful, non violent, right? The da sez Brooks can flee law enforcement, ingore their orders to stop, and with accuracy fire at and just miss the head of a law enforcement officer? How come that very same da said, just earlier this month, that under Georgia law use use a taser is considered deadly force?

Supposedly, since '04 over a thousand people have been killed by tasers, was Brooks using deadly force with deceptive agility and skill? Did Brooks register his taser or is this a matter of slipping through the cracks? Clearly, tasers are more dangerous than ARs, why didn't you get a dnc memo through cnn to start taser ban mantra? If Brooks was being threatened with a crime, why didn't he call law enforcement since no needs to defend themselves?

Oh, I'm sorry are you carrying more hypocritical baggage than just being anti 2nd? Sure Bill, go ahead and rant about the pro murder one third, just keep in mind you aren't the judge in these cases, right?