CB, I admire the tone of your response. I'd like to take exception to a couple of your points. I deny that for every racist, bad-tempered, illogical Trumpist there's an equally bigoted liberal. Are there radical liberals? Of course, and on some issues, they're right. I know there's public violence. I do not condone it. Public violence is not a Democratic tactic. Liberals are not looting Walgreens. The Antifa isn't coming to small town Idaho to incite violence. The propaganda mills are busy churning out this crap, and the conservaturd media are spreading it. Gullible conservatives are lapping it up. Civic violence in the US, historically, is predominately a right-wing phenomenon. That's still true today. People looting stores, however, probably have no political orientation at all. They're simply vultures who see a carcass to scavenge. Yes, I take Keith to task because he's a narrow-minded bigot and bully who approves police killing people because they aren't role-models citizens, at least in his view. PS: An honest discussion about gun control would be a good addition to our dialog here. Is it possible? In my personal experience, I've known many people who support some additional restrictions on firearms ownership, but I've never met someone who wants to ban all guns. I know there are some who hold that view. I'm confident they are a very small minority who will never prevail in imposing their will on the rest of us.

Last edited by rocky mtn bill; 06/18/20 11:48 AM.

Bill Ferguson