Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Calling George Floyd a criminal allows Keith to accept and excuse his murder. Calling old colonel Gladys Kravitz lets him dismiss anything oc says. This is Trump's method too. Facts, reason, authority, expertise all count for nothing against impulse, prejudice, and unsupported opinion. This is what we've sunk to, here, and all over the country: a third of the population is infected with alternative facts. Whole industries exist today just to brainwash Keith's third that all the rest of us are no damned good. Sadly, it works. Tribalism is powerful,alas.

You should have been here for the tribalism on display in Minneapolis, bill. Your kind of people, no doubt, burning the place to the ground. You know we went 96 hours without any 911 service, right? The woke leadership slept through most of it. Total third world kind of stuff, right down the street. Big towns with the entrenched, woke leadership you spend so much time praising suffered the most.

Wonder why?

Get your TV remote fixed, and maybe study what happened in Sioux Falls when rioters and looters thought they were going to get started down that path. Excellent, on board leadership shut that down, cold.

That is my tribe, bill.

Sorry, dude, Ive seen first hand what your tribe expects. Before you make one more peep about how great the left is, maybe you should rent a flat around 40th and Chicago, in Mpls, and use the train to get your groceries for a month. I am positive you wouldnt live that long if you attempted it. As a direct result of your tribes leadership, if you want to call it that.

I expect the legislature will revisit Castle doctrine, soon. Stand your ground would be good, and the use of deadly force to protect life AND PROPERTY, is the change Im hoping for.

Cant happen soon enough.